On Wednesday, February 21, the Eagles hosted the first round of state playoffs where they
defeated the John Hancock Academy Rebels 53-38. Leading the Eagles in points was Randon
Williams with 21 points followed by Billy Martin with 20 points. Also contributing for the Eagles
were Peyton Lee (5 points), Ethan Fields (4 points) and Tony Sutton (3 points). The win
advanced the Eagles to the Elite 8 in Macon where they played Highland Christian Academy.
The Eagles suffered a close loss, 62–60, against Highland. Billy Martin was the lead scorer for
DEA with 29 points. Additional scorers for the Eagles were Randon Williams (11 points), Ethan
Fields (6 points), Tony Sutton (5 points), Peyton Lee (4 points), Brody Fleming (3 points), and
Richard Braddy (2 points). The David Emanuel Academy Varsity boys’ basketball team ended
with a successful season finishing in the Elite 8.