Record rainfall in the past 30 days may have some folks thinking about trading in their cars and trucks for boats. At least the Georgia Department of Transportation and our local Coun-ty Commissioners have planned, and are continuing to plan for needed bridge replacement projects over creeks and rivers in Emanuel County. Under construction now are three projects that are almost entirely paid for with state and federal funding. Two of the most recent sites are on Lambs Bridge Road at points drained by the Canoochee and Little Canoochee. The construction cost of these two projects is over 3.2 million dollars. The third site is the State Route 26 bridge at the Ohoopee River 1.1 mile east of Adrian. The replacement cost of this bridge was over five million dollars. County officials are optimistic about funding being available for future bridge projects in Emanuel County. An inventory of state and national bridges report that 48 percent of bridges on secondary roads today are more than 50 years old.