The annual joint meeting of the Emanuel County 4-H Club Foundation and the Emanuel County 4-H Club Volunteer Leaders Council was held Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 7 p.m. at East Georgia State College in the Jean Anderson Morgan Activity Room while the Varner 4-H Center is being renovated.
The meeting was called to order by Laura Moore, 4-H Foundation President. President Moore welcomed everyone to the 74th annual foundation meeting. Emanuel County 4-H member Sam Williams led the Pledge to the American flag. The invocation was given by Lauren Sapp, Emanuel County 4-H member. Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal prepared by the East Georgia State College Food Services Department.
Minutes from the 2023 meeting, prepared by Secretary Martha Anders, were presented. A motion was made and seconded to accept minutes. The minutes were approved. The treas-urer’s report was given by President Moore in the absence of Scotty Hattaway, Treasurer, with a balance of cash on hand as of December 31, 2023, of $3,840.85. Reports on the in-vestment accounts were shared. The Money Market Account at Queensborough Bank has a balance of $11,762.91. The GA 4-H Foundation Account 1 (Parker-Brown Scholarship) has a balance of $41,528.02 as of December 31, 2023. The GA 4-H Foundation Account 2 has a balance of $378,989.67 as of December 31, 2023. A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. The report was approved.
President Moore gave the President’s Report. She recognized Mr. Mike Head, Emanuel Coun-ty Building & Facilities Superintendent, and his department for maintaining the Varner 4-H Center this year. They have maintained the grounds by landscaping and the removal of lit-ter. Special appreciation was given to Mr. Head and his department this year for their work currently overseeing extension renovations at the center. This project is being funded by the Emanuel County 4-H Foundation and the Emanuel County Commissioners. This includes installing new vinyl siding including the removal of asbestos, replacing the windows, install new brick underpinning, replacing the back door and floor at the entrance, replacing soffit and fascia Removal and replacement of ceiling tiles, painting ceiling grids, roof work to cor-rect water shedding concerns, installation of gutters, and installing two HVAC units and servicing of others.
President Moore thanked both the Foundation and the County Commissioners for recogniz-ing the importance of the Varner 4-H Center to our Emanuel County 4-H program and the community.
President Moore also shared the following accomplishments. The 4-H Foundation funded 10 camp scholarships last summer. Summer camp was a success. The Varner 4-H Center con-tinues to be rented. The rental price continues to be $150.
Old Business
Repairs to the Varner 4-H Center are ongoing. These renovations were shared in the presi-dent’s report.
The 4-H Charter information was completed and submitted to UGA Extension.
New Business
4-H Camp Scholarships – A motion was made and seconded to provide ten camp scholar-ships to 4-H members who need assistance with camp expenses. The 4-H Foundation will provide ten camp scholarships to 4-H members for 2024.
4-H State-wide conferences – A motion was made and seconded to provide one-half of the registration costs of state-wide conferences, such as State Council and Junior Conference, with a leadership development focus for 4-Hers who have participated in District Project Achievement. This funding will include any 4-Hers who take on leadership roles at these state events, such as exhibits, service projects, and workshop teachers.
Financial support for Junior/Senior DPA- A motion was made and seconded to provide $1,500 to offset DPA expenses for 2024.
Foundation Board of Directors & Executive Board – The following board of director positions were approved. Savannah Tanner represents the Extension Agency as an agent for a one-year term. She has agreed to continue on the board for 2023 – 2024. Connie Page and Carl Tankersley represent former extension workers for a one-year term. They have agreed to con-tinue on the board for the 2023 – 2024 year. The following were approved by executive board members as members at large; Lynn Torrance, Mary Elam, and Whitney Lawrence represent the board as members at large for two-year terms for 2024 – 2026.
The Executive Board recommended the following positions be removed from the Foundation Board of Directors – the State Court Solicitor and the Emanuel County Agribusiness Council President.
4-H Hall of Fame & 4-H Scholarships
The following Hall of Fame awards were presented: The Distinguished 4-H Alumni Award went to Shana Foskey. The 4-H Club Appreciation Award was presented to Ann Rogers.
The 4-H College Scholarship recipient was recognized. The recipient of the Emanuel County 4-H Volunteer Leaders Scholarship was FaithAnn Rogers.
Martha Anders introduced the program for the evening. The program highlighted perfor-mances by members of the Georgia 4-H Clovers and Company; FaithAnn Rogers (Emanuel Co 4-Her), Scout Hall, (Emanuel Co. 4-Her), and Tripp Smith (Houston Co. 4-Her).
The final performers for the evening were Emanuel Co. 4-H Alumni Bonnie Rose Smith and Talmadge (Tee) Smith.
President Moore introduced the officers’ nomination committee representative, Lynn Tor-rance. The officers nominated are as follows: Laura Moore, President; Phil Torrance, 1st Vice President; Shari Watt, 2nd Vice President; Martha Anders, Secretary and Scotty Hattaway, Treasurer. A motion was made to accept this slate of officers. The motion was seconded and approved.
Martha Anders, President of the 4-H Volunteer Leaders’ Council gave the Volunteer Leaders’ report and encouraged new members to join the Council. The 4-H Volunteer Leaders’ meet-ing is on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Center.
With no further business, the 74th Emanuel County 4-H Club Foundation meeting was closed with the Pledge to the 4-H Flag led by Nataleigh Belcher, Emanuel County 4-H member.