The House of Representatives got back to work on Monday, March 11, for the tenth week of the 2024 legislative session. With Sine Die approaching on March 28, 2024, the time for vetting bills is quickly coming to a close.
We began the week by taking up a bipartisan effort to enhance public safety and impose stricter penalties for criminal offenses, particularly those associated with the act of “swatting” and gang activity. Senate Bill 421 would increase penalties for repeated unlawful emergency service requests, also known as “swatting.” Swatting refers to an unlawful request for emergency service assistance that an individual knowingly and intentionally makes to a public safety agency when there is no reasonable ground for such a request to be made.
The House continued our commitment to protecting Georgia’s children with the unanimous passage of Senate Bill 335, or the Safeguarding Adopted Children from Sexual Violence Act. This legislation would expand the crime of incest to include those whose familial relationships are created by adoption. Currently, state law defines the crime of incest to be amongst those who are related by blood or by marriage. This bill would update the definition of incest to include those who are related to the perpetrator by adoption. The House’s passage of this bill represents final passage, sending the legislation to Governor Kemp to be signed into law.
We also passed legislation this week to aid in our fight against human trafficking in Georgia. Senate Bill 370, championed by First Lady Marty Kemp and the GRACE Commission, would expand education and create increased awareness on human trafficking. In 2013, the governor signed a law requiring certain Georgia businesses to post notices regarding human trafficking and how victims can obtain help. SB 370 would expand this current law to add convenience stores, body art studios, manufacturing facilities, and medical offices to the list of establishments that would be required to post notices containing the human trafficking hotline information. This legislation would expand our ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking in our state and provide resources and support to human trafficking victims.
The House gave unanimous, final passage to Senate Bill 483, which would enter Georgia into the updated version of the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children Act (ICPC) to help ensure that children are placed in safe homes in a timely manner. The ICPC has been in existence for several decades, but this bill would allow our state to enter into an agreement under the updated version of the compact, which 16 other states have currently joined. The purpose of this revised ICPC would be to streamline communication from one state to another in regard to the placement of adopted and foster children across state lines.
On a similar note, my colleagues and I took up a bipartisan measure aimed at providing free state identification cards for eligible children between the ages of 14 and 17 who lack an address or are under the custody of the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). Senate Bill 387 would enable these children to apply for an identification card independently, without requiring a parent, guardian, or adult to sign or verify the application. Additionally, SB 387 would prohibit the Department of Driver Services from charging a fee for an identification card for children in DFCS custody or children receiving extended care youth services from DFCS. Providing Georgia’s youth in the DFCS program with the opportunity to obtain essential documentation, like identification cards, is crucial for these children to obtain jobs and integrate into our workforce. This legislation seeks to streamline this process, make it easier for these children to obtain proper identification, and improve our state’s foster care system overall. SB 387 received final passage and has been sent to the governor for his signature.
Now that the tenth week of the legislative session has come to a close, we only have five legislative days remaining in the 2024 session. The pace is expected to intensify under the Gold Dome as we work to address outstanding issues and finalize pending legislation before the clock runs out. Despite the significant progress we have made thus far, there is still much work that lies ahead before the session’s conclusion.
In addition to voting on legislation this week, we also took time to commemorate the life and legacy of the late House Speaker David Ralston on what would have been his birthday. Speaker of the House Jon Burns and other leaders unveiled a portrait in his honor, which will be permanently displayed outside of the House Chamber in the Capitol. Accompanied by his family and esteemed guests, the House held a ceremony on the House floor to honor Speaker Ralston’s enduring legacy and impact on our state. The unveiling event included remarks by former governors Sonny Perdue and Nathan Deal, as well as remarks from the current governor, Brian Kemp. The portrait will be positioned to the right of the center entrance, on the opposite side of former House Speaker Thomas Murphy’s portrait. Speaker Ralston’s legacy will live on for many generations, and the permanent placement of his portrait outside of the House Chamber is an abundantly fitting tribute to our former colleague.
I remain dedicated to serving your interests as your state representative, and I hope that you will contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the legislative session or with any proposals or recommendations for future legislation.
You can also stay in touch by visiting our website at to watch a live stream of the House in action, as well as archived committee meetings, and review legislation that we are considering.
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Thank you for allowing me to be your representative.
Representative Butch Parrish
• Special Committee on Healthcare – Chairman
• Rules – Chairman
• Banks & Banking
• Economic Development & Tourism
• Health
• Human Relations & Aging
• Public Health
• Technology and Infrastructure Innovation
• Appropriations
Capitol Address
HM-1 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
404.656 .5141 Office
Pamela Lewis – Administrative Assistant
District Address
132 Victory Drive
Swainsboro, GA 30401
478.237.3838 – Office