Queensborough National Bank and Trust raised nearly $13,000 through its support of the 2023 Paceline Ride to benefit the Georgia Cancer Center, says Troy Breitman, who led the bank’s Paceline team, one of the event’s top 10 fundraising teams.
“We are proud to have supported the 2023 Paceline Ride, an Augusta-based organization that, since inception, has raised over $1 million for the Georgia Cancer Center, says Breitman, Queensborough First Vice President, Regional Trust and Fiduciary Manager. “I want to thank our Queensborough team, customers and friends who helped us raise these funds for a cause that is close to my heart.”
Breitmann lost all but one of his grandparents to cancer and has seen his uncle, wife, mother, mother-in-law and aunt fight the disease.
Queensborough’s Paceline teammates, representing several branch locations and services, include: Troy Breitmann, Ken Austin, Clare Easterlin, Lars Frey, Dagan Sharpe, Andy Lawrence, Patrick Blume, Nick Buchanan, Barry Brooks, Rob Lamberts, Beth Lamberts, Zach Brewer and Shelby Cannon.
“The entire Queensborough family continues to show tremendous support for raising dollars to fund cancer research through the Paceline event,” Breitmann noted. “It wasn’t just the team members, there were so many great volunteers who put together a rider favorite rest stop tent and helped keep the event organized. We are very pleased that we continued to receive support from our customers who have also joined the team and look forward to even more riders next year!”
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Paceline is a movement of communities and organizations striving toward a common goal of curing cancer faster. Throughout the year, Paceline brings communities and organizations together by inspiring them in different ways to fund innovative cancer research. Every October, they hold their signature event, “PaceDay,” to celebrate these efforts together centered around a fun bike ride designed for all – a way to experience the southern countryside in safety with a finish-line party to share with loved ones. To see how you can help, visit paceline.org.