Remember when there was more “love” in the world than hate? Remember how simple life was until we complicated it? We’ve left behind high morals and clean living for “anything goes”. Today you can do, say, and break the rules of decency all in the name of freedom of speech. Our forefathers would turn over in their graves knowing our country was founded on God and freedom of religion, and humbly following the Ten Commandments and righteous living.
Remember when we used our brains and God-given talents instead of trusting and relying on the internet for all of life’s questions and answers? Somewhere along the way, we have completely left God out of the picture. Some of the most advanced countries have crumbled and fell into ashes because like Rome, they left God behind.
Years ago, many of us left our doors and windows unlocked. Children could also roam the countryside without fear of being molested because people were held accountable for their actions and were punished accordingly.
Life was simple and uncomplicated. A man or woman’s word was stamped on their hands and hearts. There was nothing to fear because love was stronger. People relaxed on front porches talking while shelling peas and butterbeans, and at night, looked up at the full moon adorned with trillions of twinkling stars while daddy told scary ghost stories.
Dogs were still man’s best friend while neighbors were almost kinfolk. The food was home grown, and God never let us go hungry. We went to church on Sunday and football games on TV were rarely seen.
Technology has given us time-saving inventions that we once could only dream about. What will man accomplish next? If we leave God out, we will be truly doomed to fail.