Members of the Emanuel Retired Educators Association (EREA) braved the very cold temperatures last week for their January meeting at the Sudie A. Fulford Center on the campus of East Georgia State College. Christy and Joe Holaway at Ware’s BBQ provided sandwiches for the group, and members provided sides and dessert. EREA wishes to thank the Holaways for their kindness and generosity.
President Judy Hendrix provided an informative program and group discussion of the Georgia Retired Educators mission and goals. One of the goals this year is to contribute to the Totes for Tots program which collects and distributes age-appropriate backpacks, suitcases, and supportive care items for Georgia children in foster care. EREA plans to contribute $275 to the non-profit organization this year.
The retired educators will meet again on February 21, at 12 p.m. at Emanuel County Institute. Lunch will be provided by the school. All Emanuel retired educators are encouraged to attend.