The Seedling Garden Club held its monthly meeting on Monday, March 11, at the First Methodist Church Social Hall. President Nancy Lisenby called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Ann Peebles, Chaplain, opened the meeting with an inspiration titled, “Trust in the Future.” God gave us the ability to plant and tend to gardens and then ask us to, “trust in the future that all will come forward and produce for us.” The business session began with Secretary Imogene Buckley reading the minutes from the April meeting. It was approved as read. Treasurer Kay Peacock presented the treasurer’s report. It was also approved as presented. Treasurer informed the club that she has made donations to all the GCG projects that the club approved. Yonna Bailey, Yard of the Month Chairperson, reported the Yard of the Month selection will begin in April. Paula Karrh, Horticulture Gardening chairperson, gave a very educational report on how to start getting ready for Spring. She stated that now is time to sow seeds for plants, fertilize day lilies and daffodils, clean Iris beds, prune camellias after they bloom. So much needed information in a short time. Everyone enjoys and benefits from Paula’s Horticulture tips each month.
The main item on the agenda was “Planning the upcoming flower show.” Martha Cobb and Diana Malone presented a wonderful power point describing each floral design that will be featured in the flower show. The Seedling Garden Club in cooperation with the Swainsboro Kiwanis Club will present “OUR WORLD as a CANVAS”, a NGC Standard Flower Show on Saturday, April 27, from 3 to 5 p.m. and Sunday April 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. The show is free to the public. This is also a “Pine Tree Festival Event” that will be held at the Sudie Fulford Center located on the campus of East Georgia State College. Marta Cobb has written a wonderful, exciting flower show schedule. This includes Floral Designs, Horticulture, Youth Division, Educational Exhibits and Botanical Arts Exhibits. Something for everyone to enjoy viewing. Only garden club members are permitted to enter Floral Designs with all other opened to anyone wishing to enter. Be on the lookout for more information coming.
Using a St. Patrick’s theme the hostesses served refreshments from a table covered with a white cloth with a green lace Shamrock runner. Shamrocks were placed throughout the table. Two cute Leprechauns were perched on table to invite guests to enjoy refreshments of cheese straws, green iced cupcakes and soda. The twenty members and two guests enjoyed the festive, green setting. Hostesses were Paula Karrh, Judy McWhorter and Wanda Scarboro.
Before adjourning, members were reminded and encouraged to attend The Garden Club of Georgia State Convention on April 15-16, in Peachtree City. Drawing for the raffle item was held and Martha Cobb was the lucky winner.
Seedling Garden Club is a member of Oleander District III, The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., Deep South Region, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc.