With the excitement of watching the Eclipse and seeing the Totality of the Eclipse on Mon-day, April 8, the Seedling Garden Club was ready to have their monthly meeting at the First Methodist Church social hall at 5:30 p.m. Nancy Lisenby called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She introduced their visitor, JoAnn Trammell, president of the Glad Garden Club. Ann Peebles, chaplain, opened the meeting with an inspiration titled, “God Hears Us and Calls Us by Name.” God is King of the universe overseeing all nature and knows us by name and is always there hearing our ever cry.
President Lisenby introduced George Elder with the ‘Keep Emanuel Beautiful’ board. He was the program for the meeting and began by telling how he got tired of picking up so much trash on the sides of Emanuel County roads and city streets. After meeting with different groups, a Citizens Board was formed, and signs were made and put-up encouraging people not to letter. Elder displayed the first sign used, then showed the new sign that reads, “Thank You for Not Littering.” Since signs have been put up, the littering has been reduced by 50%. Everyone is invited to attend the ‘Keep Emanuel Beautiful’ meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the County Community Room. Seedling Garden Club made a donation towards signs and signed a pledge that, “we will support programs and project of KEB by reducing litter, recycling, reduce waste, reuse, conservation and beautification.”
In the business session, Vice President Susan Stephenson read the minutes of the March meeting. Secretary was not present to read minutes and they were approved as read. Kay Peacock, treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report. This was also approved as presented. Yonna Bailey and Mary Pate Gay, ‘Yard of the Month’ chairmen, reported that the Yard of the Month for April was presented to Melonie and Eddie Jordan. Paula Karrh gave the horticulture report stating that now is the time to prune shrubs, plant seedlings of all kinds and fertilize with 5-10-15. She stated. “April is known as the Gardening Month.” Our little “bird lady”, Wanda Scarboro, reported the hummingbirds are back, so get your feeders out.
As part of the program for the meeting, the Flower Show planning committee went over plans for the flower show. Members signed up to do designs and other preparations were discussed. Everything seems ready for a good show. Martha Cobb, Flower Show Schedule chairman, wrote a beautiful, educational schedule titled, “Our World As a Canvas.” The show is to be held on Saturday, April 27, from 3 to 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Sudie Fulford Center located on East Georgia State College campus and is free to the public. Certified, out-of-town Flower Show judges will judge the show. This is a Pine Tree Festival event and is sponsored in cooperation with Swainsboro Kiwanis Club.
Hostesses for the meeting were Lucille Braswell and Nancy Lisenby. Using a Spring theme, refreshments were served from a table covered with a white cloth centered with a beautiful potted fern. The 16 members and two guests enjoyed chicken salad sandwiches, chips, bottled water and decorated cupcakes. The meeting adjourned with Cheryl Goodman winning the raffle item.
The Seedling Garden Club is a member of Oleander District III, The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc., Deep South Region, Inc, and National Garden Clubs, Inc.
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