Swainsboro High School hosted The Preston Johnson Annual Speech Contest on Wednesday, March 6. This contest is sponsored by Rotary of Georgia and the local Swainsboro Rotary Club. It is designed to help contestants learn why and how Rotary International works and what it has to offer communities worldwide. The theme choices for this year are “Create Hope in the World” or the “Rotary 4-Way Test.”
Four students competed at this event. Dei’vion Davis, Yasmin Rios, Caleb Long, and Quintus Williams were judged by a panel of three on appearance, content, presentation, and time. First place was awarded to Caleb Long and second place to Quintus Williams. These two delivered their speeches at the Swainsboro Rotary Club meeting on Monday, March 11, where they competed against other local high school contest winners for first and second place, which are awarded cash prizes.