Members of the Skunk Brigade, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, traveled to Barnesville to attend the 3rd Quarter GASSAR meeting on Saturday, October 28, at the Garden Patch Restaurant at 10 a.m. Those members are Steve Burke Wiregrass Chapter, Don Bazemore Brier Creek Chapter, Lee Herron Brier Creek Chapter, Bernard Martin Brier Creek Chapter, Alton McCloud Little River Chapter and Dess Smith III Wiregrass Chapter (by zoom). With President David Ludley presiding, they had about 150 in attendance in person and zoom. After the Skunk Brigade participated with the Georgia Society Award Winning Color Guard, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR was said, and then President Ludley called for the Posting of the Colors. Much business was held, including speeches by SAR members running for National Office and Past President General Mike Tomme presenting the Georgia Society nominating committee’s nominations for 2024 officers. Representing at the BOM for the East Fall Line Region Chapters were Steve Burke Four Rivers, Dess Smith Patrick Carr, Don Bazemore Brier Creek, Lee Herron Wiregrass, and Bernard Martin Mill Creek. At the end of the “new business” session, Compatriot Lee Herron of the Brier Creek Chapter came forward with his proposal for the Georgia Society to support the State of Georgia in developing a 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution Georgia State License plate. This vehicle tag will not cost the Society any funds and will be used by all Georgia vehicles from 2025 – 2030. Senator Max Burns from Screven County is working with Lee to make this a reality. After hearing that the United States and all 50 states are organizing with the 250th campaign, Lee got the tag idea from South Carolina and said to himself, “why not?”. Thank you, Lee Herron, for developing this idea to help remind our state how we got our freedoms and for honoring those Patriots with a vehicle tag for Georgia.