The Veterans at the Library traveled to the Emanuel County Historical Preservation Society Museum for visitation, lunch and a special program on Monday, April 15, at 10 a.m. With Chair Johnny Tapley presiding, there were over 70 veterans and guests in attendance. From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., everyone was invited to tour the museum. At 12 p.m., the veterans were fed hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks sponsored by the veterans themselves. Desserts were provided by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and the museum tour was hosted by the Emanuel County Historical Preservation Society, Missy and George Elder, and William Riner grilled all the hamburgers and hotdogs. Also, thank you to Shari Watt and her library staff for all of their preparation work for the lunch. After a great meal, Officer Adam Kersey pre-sented his program on the use and advantages of drones in law enforcement. He then demonstrated the capabilities of the drone by flying it inside the museum and outside reach-ing higher altitude and faster speed. The drone’s technology makes it possible to pinpoint fugitives and also locate suspects in wooded areas using its heat-seeking cameras. Many of our attendees had never been to the museum before, and they were very impressed.