The Kiwanis Club of Swainsboro held its weekly meeting Tuesday night, December 5, at the Rustic Grille at 7 p.m. With President Cheryl Goodman presiding, they had 19 in attendance. Tim Goodman installed two new members to the Swainsboro Kiwanis Club, William Barber and Brenda Barber. The cake, donated by Tammy Allen, was won by Dianna Wedincamp. She presented the cake to Dr. Warnock. Cheryl Goodman won the Domino’s pizza and a plethora of people won Braswell goodies – Tim Goodman, Brenda Barber, Will Barber, Deana Patrick and Tammy Allen. The Braswell goodies were donated by Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz. The program for the evening was hosted by Scotty Hattaway who presented Dr. Denise Warnock, Emanuel County Schools Assistant Superintendent. Denise updated on the recent Literacy Legislation, SB 48 (Dyslexia Identification and Support), HB 538 (Early Literacy Act) and SB 211 (Georgia Council of Literacy). Finding that only 30-35% of students in the early grades show reading proficiency, increasing the rate is essential for student success. The bills will require training of all K-3 teachers in the “Science of Reading” curriculum and methods, multiple screening of students during the school year, the adoption of high-quality instructional materials, intervention strategies for those students identified as having difficulty, and the measurement and reporting of literacy outcomes. In addition, the program will be taught in all college teaching preparation programs in the state and will have a community involvement approach, such as the Ferst Readers, DKG Books Project, Buddy Readers, and Read United currently in place in Emanuel County.