Eddie N. Dillard, Sr., President of The Lonesome Doom Gang, a non-profit organization that works to revitalize and care for historical places in Georgia’s African American communities, and his good friend Johnnie Williams, are searching for a link to their past in Emanuel County. The Macedonia AME Church Cemetery in Summertown is where Eddie’s great-grandmother, Susan Brown, is buried and he has been looking for it since 2020. The cemetery was abandoned about 65 years ago and isn’t pictured on maps of the area. Johnnie believes the cemetery is located in Summertown where he grew up. The approximate area is off Bell Road about two miles from St. Paul-Noah’s Ark AME Church. It is overgrown with trees, tall grass and bushes, which has made verification nearly impossible by Mr. Dillard and Mr. Williams.
If you have any information about the Macedonia Cemetery or have relatives buried there and would be willing to share that information, please contact Eddie N. Dillard, Sr. at [email protected].