The Georgia General Assembly returned to the State Capitol for the final week of the 2024 legislative session on Monday, March 25 for a busy committee workday. After working in our committees on Monday to finalize legislation, the House convened for Legislative Day 39 on March 26, and then, the session came to an end after we completed Legislative Day 40 on Thursday, March 28, also known as Sine Die. It was a very busy week as we worked late into the nights. I will share some of the bills that we voted on from the Rules calendars in our final days, as well as highlight legislation that received final passage in the General Assembly.
On the last day of the session, we gave final passage to the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 2025) budget, which will become effective July 1, 2024, fulfilling our sole constitutional obligation of the session. Set at a revenue estimate of $36.1 billion, representing a historic increase of $3.7 billion, or 11.4 percent, over the previous fiscal year’s budget. The passage of this budget marks a significant milestone in Georgia’s commitment to addressing the diverse needs of its citizens and reflects a robust investment across various sectors for the state’s growth and prosperity.
• The FY 2025 budget demonstrates a significant commitment to Georgia’s education sector, prioritizing key initiatives essential for advancing K-12 education. Notably, HB 916 fully supports the Quality Basic Education (QBE) program with a historic allocation of $14.1 billion in state funds.
• Boost teacher salaries, earmarking $373.6 million to raise the state base salary schedule by $2,500
• Salary increases for school nutrition workers, bus drivers, school nurses and Regional Education Services Agencies (RESA) staff, along with $8.5 million designated for $1,000 salary supplements for school custodians
• $6.3 million is allocated to the school nutrition program to cover breakfast and lunch costs for reduced-paying students, and $2 million in school nutrition formula funds is provided to local school systems to maintain affordable meal prices
• The budget also prioritizes literacy with $6.1 million for reading grants, including literacy coaches, and pay supplements.
• School safety receives $109 million for the School Security Grants program, providing $45,000 grants to each school
• $200 million is allocated for student transportation, addressing increased operating costs, with total funding reaching $353.5 million in FY 2025. This increased funding reflects the House’s commitment to enhancing education and safety measures in Georgia
• Communities in Schools receives an extra $1 million to support students academically and non-academically, with a focus on improving attendance, behavior, and graduation rates
• The FY 2025 budget allocates more than $57.5 million in new lottery funds to the Department of Early Care and Learning. These funds will implement recommendations from the House Early Childhood Education Working Group, including reducing class sizes, increasing start-up grants for new classrooms, providing classroom replenishment grants, enhancing transportation funding, boosting operating funds for private Pre-K providers and improving pay for Pre-K lead and assistant teachers. These strategic investments highlight the House’s commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and outcomes for all students in Georgia
• My legislative colleagues and I also made significant strides to increase funding for Georgia’s higher education system to enhance educational excellence, workforce development and student preparation
• $1.5 million for the David Ralston Center for Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities at the University of Georgia, addressing workforce needs for individuals with disabilities
• $15 million for the Dual Enrollment program, supporting high school students’ access to college-level courses
• Healthcare infrastructure investments to enhance health outcomes and meet public health demands statewide, allocating $500,000 to Morehouse School of Medicine’s Center for Maternal Health Equity for infant mortality research
• $1 million for supplemental illness-specific insurance for first responders diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Boosts funding for various Medicaid providers, with $5.6 million for therapists, $12.6 million for primary care providers, $392,173 for optometrists, and $648,829 for pharmacists
• $10.5 million for dental services and $603,883 for dialysis treatment of acute kidney injuries among the Medicaid population
• Department of Community Affairs, $1 million is earmarked for the accountable housing initiative, aimed at providing stable housing for the homeless while ensuring long-term affordability
• $3.7 million for enhanced homelessness services through federal grants
• $6 million is appropriated for the Rural Workforce Housing Initiative, which aims to improve housing options in rural areas to meet the workforce’s needs
• $3.2 million for the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities to establish the Macon Crisis Stabilization Diagnostic Center, which will be the state’s first crisis support center for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
• $500,000 to assist homeless Georgians through housing vouchers, behavioral health services, and rapid rehousing initiatives
• The budget also supports veterans with funding for a coordinator to aid homeless veterans and $1 million for behavioral health services for active-duty military personnel and veterans through the Georgia Veterans Service
• $1 million to expand the capacity of court-appointed special advocates
• $1 million to enhance forensic and mental health services at the state’s Child Advocacy Centers
• HB 916 allocates significant funding for public safety initiatives, particularly aimed at strengthening law enforcement, preventing crime, and supporting victims
• $45.9 million for a $3,000 salary increase for law enforcement officers in 21 state agencies, demonstrating a commitment to attracting and retaining skilled professionals in law enforcement
• $10 million for the Georgia Department of Corrections to establish 400 transitional center beds at the Metro Re-entry Center, aiding inmates’ reintegration into society post-release
• $12.7 million to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to support 48 domestic violence shelters and $2 million for 28 sexual assault centers, covering administrative and facility costs to ensure compliance with state standards
• $4.3 million to the CJCC for hiring a dedicated sexual assault nurse examiner coordinator, reinforcing the integrity of forensic medical examinations crucial for prosecuting sexual assault cases
• Additional notable investments in the FY 2025 budget include $260 million for a four percent cost-of-living adjustment for state employees
• $5 million for third-party ballot-text auditing technology to enhance election verification and transparency
• $2.4 billion to bolster Georgia’s transportation system, improving mobility, reducing congestion, and ensuring the safety and efficiency of roads, bridges, and transit networks
The FY 2025 budget now awaits signature by Governor Kemp.
The House also gave final passage to many other important measures this week, sending many bills to Governor Kemp to be signed into law. I will highlight a few of the bills that we sent to the governor’s desk.
House Bill 404, also known as the “Safe at Home Act.” This bipartisan legislation seeks to safeguard the rights of both renters and landlords in Georgia. It mandates that rental properties must meet certain standards for human habitation by:
• Prohibiting landlords from shutting off a rental home’s air conditioning utilities prior to an eviction
• Limit security deposits to no more than two months’ rent and would require landlords to provide a three-business day notice before initiating eviction proceedings for unpaid rent or charge
• Eviction notices would be required to be visibly posted on the renter’s door in a sealed envelope
Georgia renters have the right to live in homes that meet certain minimum health and safety standards, and overall, this bill would provide greater protections for tenants under state law and hold landlords accountable for keeping their properties safe for renters.
House Bill 663, the “No Patient Left Alone Act” would require the presence of designated essential caregivers with patients in long-term care facilities during treatment. Under this bill, both minors and adult patients would have the right to have an essential caregiver to be physically present at all times while that patient remains in the hospital or facility. This legislation would ensure that patients are never left alone without their family or caregiver by their side to provide crucial support and advocacy for their loved one.
House Bill 993 aims to safeguard Georgia’s minors from potential harm by introducing measures against online grooming. This legislation would impose criminal consequences on individuals who knowingly and intentionally use electronic means to groom minors, persuading, inducing, enticing, or coercing them into committing sexual offenses or acts of human trafficking.
I voted to give final passage to legislation that would expand paid parental leave benefits for our state employees and teachers, recognizing their invaluable contributions to our state’s workforce. House Bill 1010 would increase the number of hours of annual paid parental leave for state employees from 120 to 240 hours, or six weeks, doubling the amount of paid leave that these workers currently receive.
House Bill 451 also received final passage to support our state’s first responders. HB 451 would require a public entity to provide supplemental, illness-specific insurance to certain first responders diagnosed with occupational post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). First responders are often exposed to traumatic and potentially life-altering situations in the line of duty. This legislation would support those diagnosed with PTSD by reducing some of the financial burdens of treatment and allow them to continue serving their communities without compromising their well-being.
The House continued our commitment to passing measures that would put money back into the hands of hard-working Georgians. With that, we granted final passage to House Bill 1019, which would increase the statewide homestead exemption for all ad valorem taxation for state, county, and school purposes from $2,000 to $4,000.
House Bill 1021 would allow each taxpayer to deduct $4,000 from their Georgia taxable income for each dependent. The current allowable deduction per dependent is $3,000. HB 1021 would provide another way for Georgians to keep more of their hard-earned money and help reduce the financial burdens of caring for dependents.
Senate Bill 395, which would make opioid antagonists, like Narcan, exempt from classification as a dangerous drug when used for overdose prevention. SB 395, named “Wesley’s Law,” would allow for visitors and school employees to possess and administer an opioid antagonist if the person believes someone is suffering from a drug overdose on school property or at a school-sponsored activity.
Lastly, the House passed Senate Bill 384, which would support those living with disabilities and seeks to boost state government employment for these individuals. This bill would make it so that our state government becomes a model employer for hiring individuals with disabilities by encouraging state agencies to consider best practices relating to the recruitment, hiring, advancement, and retention of a broad range of qualified individuals with disabilities at all levels and for all occupations.
Now that the 2024 legislative session has come to an end, Governor Kemp will have 40 days to sign or veto legislation that received final passage by the House and Senate. These measures will become state law upon his signature, and any legislation not signed or vetoed within 40 days of Sine Die will automatically become state law.
During the interim, my legislative colleagues and I will continue to examine current and emerging issues facing Georgians that may need to be addressed in next year’s session. Even though this legislative session has come to a close, I hope you will let me know how I can continue to support our district and what issues are important to you and your family in the months ahead.
I remain dedicated to serving your interests as your state representative, and I hope that you will contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the legislative session or with any proposals or recommendations for future legislation.
You can also stay in touch by visiting our website at to watch a live stream of the House in action, as well as archived committee meetings, and review legislation that we are considering.
Follow me on facebook for updates throughout the year.
Thank you for allowing me to be your representative.
Representative Butch Parrish
• Special Committee on Healthcare – Chairman
• Rules – Chairman
• Banks & Banking
• Economic Development & Tourism
• Health
• Human Relations & Aging
• Public Health
• Technology and Infrastructure Innovation
• Appropriations
Capitol Address
HM-1 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
404.656 .5141 Office
Pamela Lewis – Administrative Assistant
District Address
132 Victory Drive
Swainsboro, GA 30401
478.237.3838 – Office