The Seedling Garden met on Monday, January 8, at the Swainsboro Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. In the absence of president Nancy Lisenby, Vice President Susan Stephenson welcomed everyone and presided over the meeting.
Ann Peebles gave an inspiration titled “God Gave Me a Garden.” We plant the seed; God supplies the rain and sun etc. and we will soon have a beautiful garden to enjoy with His help. Secretary Imogene Buckley read the minutes from the October and November meetings. These were approved as read. Treasurer Kay Peacock presented the treasurer’s report. This was approved as presented. Treasurer reported that the club had received a $250.00 grant from The Garden Club of Georgia for the plantings at the Swainsboro Nursing Home. Treasurer also reported that the auction held in November was a success. Yonna Bailey and Mary Pate Gay, Yard of the Month chairmen, reported the Yard of the Month for December was given to Dess Smith. Due to winter months and no pretty yards, the next Yard of the Month will be presented in April 2024.
Under new business, the club will observe Arbor Day on February 16. We will be planting a tree in memory of deceased member Ginny Smith. Type of tree and location will be decided by Arbor Day chairperson’s Jane Durden and Jill Briarcheck. Kay Peacock, flower show chairperson, turned program over to Dianna Malone to discuss the flower show schedule. The schedule written by Martha Cobb was approved and all committees were assigned. Paula Karrh, Horticultural chairperson, presented the horticultural tips for January. “He who plants a tree, plants a hope.” Very informative tips were given, and handouts were given to club members.
The program for the evening, “How to update your Home”, was presented by Margaret Ann Allmond from Custom’s Furniture. Allmond gave some very helpful tips on how to refresh your home using books, vases with greenery and changing lamp shades. She suggested using color and height of floral things to help refresh your home. The changing out of these things at different times will help your home shine. She donated a gift to be given with Susan Stephenson winning this. It was a beautiful vase with greenery.
The twenty-one (21) members present enjoyed refreshments of pound cake, nuts and soda prepared by hostesses, Linda Dekle, Dot Kirby and Cheryl Goodman.
The meeting ended with Wonda Eillis winning the raffle item, a beautiful basket of potted plants donated by the hostesses. Susan ended the meeting with a “Happy New Year” to all. The next meeting will be February 12. We would welcome any one to join us. We are an active club helping to keep Emanuel County and City beautiful and to inform and educate our members in the horticulture field and floral designing. Come join us.
The Seedling Garden Club is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Region, Inc., The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and Oleander District III.