The Kettle Creek Battlefield Association held its annual banquet Friday night, February 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington Wilkes Country Club. With Chairman N. Walker Chewning presiding, they had over 100 in attendance. After the Presentation of Colors by the Georgia Society Award Winning SAR Color Guard, commanded by Scott Collins, the Pledge of Allegiance was given and then Greetings was brought by Darryl S. Addington, Secretary General, National Society Sons of the American Revolution and Betty Harrah, State Regent, Georgia State Society Daughters of the American Revolution. After a great meal, Chairman Walker introduced the speaker for the evening, Dr. Jeffery Wells, Professor of History at Georgia Military College. His topic was “The Importance of the Georgia Backcountry in the Southern Campaign”. Seven members of the Skunk Brigade from the East Fall Line Region and the East Region attended the annual meeting.