The Wiregrass Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting Thursday night, February 8, at The Stockyard at 6:30 p.m. President Steve Burke opened the meeting by welcoming the 22 attendees. After Chaplain Emory Fennell gave the invocation, he led the Pledge to the U.S. Flag and the Pledge to the SAR. President Steve asked Registrar Dess Smith III to introduce the program for the evening. Dess introduced Compatriot Lee Herron who presented his program on “Capt. Jack Joyett, the Paul Revere of the South”. After Compatriot Lee’s outstanding presentation, President Steve talked about all the events that the Wiregrass Chapter had been participating in this past month. He then called on Compatriot Dess Smith to report on the upcoming vents. Chaplain Emory then closed the meeting with a prayer and the SAR Recessional.