Here we are in mid-January 2024. Was not Christmas just a week or so ago?.?. Seems that anyhow to me. I look at the new date 2024 and think of other dates that are still impressed in my memory. Try out your math and do the subtracting. In November 1935, the Proctor family included a new baby girl. In 1953, this baby girl became a graduate of SHS. In 1956, her name changed to Twiss. Therefore, it has been a long time since she walked around the square or walked into the white Georgia marble courthouse. She still grieves that this is now only a precious memory. If your memory bank includes the following vivid memories, then you have definitely “walked around the square.” All schools from grammar to SHS were on Church Street. The Dixie Theatre was open and showing two movies a day. Saturdays showed westerns continually and a different show at midnight. Brownies and jelly doughnuts were introduced by Bazemore Bakery. Lucile Lewis served the world’s best hamburgers. These have never been surpassed by my taste buds. Coleman’s Lake seemed like Disney World and gave us swimming, skating, and a Saturday night square dance. The first Pine Tree Festival was held and continues today. Bonus question…who was the first Queen and King? In the fall, Tiger, Frank Wimberly’s passes, were snatched by the steady hands of Elwyn Coleman who crossed the goal line as we ate boiled peanuts and hot dogs with slaw and cheered. Gone but never forgotten are my walks around the square. Write to Shirley at [email protected].